Why B2B vs DTC?

Let’s look at the numbers as data doesn’t lie.

  • First off, I am a small shop and very happy with my numbers so if you are looking at my data and say “ah, that isn’t shiz”. For my shop I am hitting my targets in Qtr 4. I am a one women show.
  • Secondly, I have always been an open book and don’t mind sharing my numbers. I compete with myself on my targets and goals.

I switched the vast majority of my portfolio over in April/May away from individual buyers (100 people buying $20-$50 items) to ~5 people buying high volumes. It was some work for James really but the numbers are showing that it is starting to work. This data does not include my Etsy sales.

You can see that the % increase from last years data is 658% and 430% for Oct. and Nov. That is because of my B2B clients. For Dec (2 days) I am at a 2000% increase.

Let me shout this so that you can hear this very loud and clear…


Less bullshit and more money. I am telling you it is true.

B2B = Business to Business

DTC – Direct to Consumer

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