Struggles of Learning a New Skill

Morning Lizards, I trust you’ve noticed a key aspect within our group – we’re not here to spoon-feed you information. Instead, we offer valuable insights and visually engaging content that will make you say, ‘Wow, I’m excited to explore and understand that!’ Learning a new skill comes with its own set of challenges, and believe me, I understand it well. In fact, later today, I’ll be sharing another experience in our ‘F’ed that up Friday’ post, showcasing the ups and downs of our CNC learning journey. Embracing mistakes and learning from them is an integral part of our process.

Challenges When Learning New Skills

  • Uncertainty. …
  • Slow Progress. …
  • Instant Results. …
  • Fear of Failure. …
  • Set Small Goals. …
  • Embrace Failure. …
  • Enjoy the Process.
  • Learning new skills can be a long and challenging process, but it’s important to enjoy the journey.

If everything is handed to you on a silver platter, your growth becomes stunted. However, when you actively engage with the information and teachings provided by the community, testing, experimenting, and iterating on those lessons, true growth occurs. It’s in the process of taking what you’ve learned, putting it to the test, making adjustments, and adding your own creative twists that you truly enhance and refine your skills, building upon the collective wisdom of others.

The distinction lies in whether you choose to apply fertilizer at the base of a tree, nurturing its roots for sustained strength and growth, or if you opt to spray the fertilizer on its leaves, which, in time, will wither and fall away. The former method fortifies the foundation and promotes continuous development, while the latter represents an inefficient use of resources with little lasting impact.

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