Shooting Product Photos

Let’s talk about photos in the lounge this AM over some iced tea.

What do you use as your backdrops/props when shooting photos of your final products?

  • Staged prop with a designated photo shooting box or kit
  • Your existing home kitchen/house and add a few items to accent it
  • Outdoor scenery that provides more light than inside
  • Your shop or kitchen floor – not the best choice
  • Other

I think how you represent your finished goods in photos is key to pulling a buyer from one shop to another. I can honestly say that my photo game blows. I have been a tad lazy in this department. My daughter tells me this as well.

How your photo is viewed by a buyer on their computer or phone pulls them into clicking on your shop and buying your product. How you display your items is key to shop success in my opinion. Let’s look at a maker that is on point in this area. Mae Armstrong excels in this area. Her photos are spot on. She takes the time to zoom in and get the right lighting for her photos. She even has little tool tip pricing that automatically shows in her pictures. (that’s cool) It seems to come natural to her and it shows.

So let’s open up the dialog and learn from others on what has been successful for each of you. What are your learnings. What did you do different and now see better sales. Are you using a iPhone/cell phone or a professional camera? White background I assume is best? #photoshoot

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