Testing New Material

Could be a new laser or new material.

  1. I first jump into the boards of that style laser. Example: if its a UV, I go to the UV group. If fiber, I go to a fiber group and so on.
  2. I then go into the search bar and type “black acrylic” as an example.
  3. All the people whom have shared black acrylic settings or learnings, I read over and take notes. I am usually looking for about 4-5 responses.
  4. I pay very close attention to lens type that they are using. Star that one on your notes as that means everything.
  5. Next step, I get some black acrylic and use the average settings from the data that I have gathered and start burning. I usually find what works for my machine within 5-10 minutes and I am off to the races.
  6. I am very ok with burning through a few pieces of material to dial it in. That is just the way it is. You should get used to that. And sometimes you think that setting is golden and next week it looks like trash because maybe the formula for the leatherette is thick or changed. Yes happens.

I say all this especially and respectfully for you new UV, galvo users that are just asking “What are the settings for blah, blah, blah” in the seasoned galvo groups… I see that people are not answering you because of the direct question like that and we can’t give you a direct answer like “1000/50freq/Q3/Lines .060/hatch/flood fill”. It is very hard for someone to give you settings for lets say “Black acrylic” without knowing a lot more info on your setup.

This is analogous to you getting sick and calling the doctor and saying “I am sick and need a pill”. So please help us help YOU better. More detail and a little research to get you going. We also like to see pictures of some of your results. We can tell by the colors what is going on.

Ok, carry on lizards.

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